Riverside High School Drives Safe
Riverside High School competes annually in a safe driving competition called “Jersey Drives." Each school that is accepted receives a small grant to produce a safe driving environment in their town and school district. The project is mostly run by the Riverside Police Explorers, but all students are encouraged to participate. This year the students produced a short PSA film directed by Mario Cerrito about how Riverside High School is making an impact in our township and provided safe driving tips for other teens as well. View the short film here: RHS Drives Safe Video
The film was debuted today during a Riverside Prom Assembly. SRO. Anthony Cicali hosts the annual assembly to encourage safe driving among new drivers. This year, retired NJ State Police Trooper Carsten Boethig was invited to give a “Teen Driver Safety Program” presentation to the students attending the prom. Thanks to Ret. Tpr. Boethig and NJ Manufacturers Insurance, we are able to present this assembly at no cost. RHS has been involved with this safe driving program for over 3 years now. Thanks to ongoing police traffic enforcement and implementing this program, Riverside Township has seen a reduction in motor vehicle accidents in the community.